
  Without modern technology or any concept attached to revelation 16:13-14 of Christianity,,,Through specifically  sound vocals, “”” only, “ can a being” call into the present time period””one of this existences, former days or rather call back into play one of this life’s  “” “””””””””””””yesterdays?””””” their is only one way this may be accomplished. By anyone in this life. One requires the full power attached to the legendary philosophers stone “ apparently located inside this existence to accomplish such a feat. And what is the philosophers stone? In this life? That is usually what most beings who study the legendary philosophers stone ask themselves. But why do all people and even evil spirits in this life think it’s an object?  No where in such a famous human legend does it say that the legendary philosophers stone is actually literally an object . Many people have asked “ what” it is. Yet perhaps the phrase “” what is it” is not the correct phrase to use in t...
Image result for images of christianity's HOLY GHOST http://oura n u s h -c10-quat r a i n -73-present-time.html   i said i wasn't going to tell you the main secrets of the so called mysteries of the philosophers stone. but i changed my mind. GOOD LUCK GUYS. SIGNED COELUS. On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 7:27 PM, Angeltruth Jacob < > wrote: OKAY. GUYS? LETS THINK NOW. QUICK QUESTION. AW YES. A QUICK QUESTION BEFORE THE COMMENCEMENT OF THIS LETTER IS WORDED AS FOLLOWS. TO THE READERS OF THIS EMAIL NOTE, I NOW SAY THIS. WHICH IS SIMPLY THE FOLLOWING. SHOULD I START THIS LETTER OFF WITH A MUSICAL OPTION, TO SOOTHE THE LISTENERS OF THIS NOTE I ADDRESS TO YOUTUBE.COM ?   SURE. WHY NOT. ON THAT NOTE, I SAY THIS. I BEGIN THIS NOTE WITH AN ...